Thursday, 8 November 2012

Kelly & Evie's story

The day I walked into my first SPACE session, I was so nervous! My baby was the youngest by about a month, and had just undergone surgery. I figured everyone would know each other and assumed I'd feel left out and not go back.

I couldn't have been more wrong! Everyone was so lovely to me. They reassured me when I was convinced things were wrong, they supported me when I cried, they celebrated with me during my successes.

My husband has said on more than one occasion that he was so glad that I has started coming to SPACE, and he was sure that I was going to withdraw myself from the world and stay at home like a hermit.

I have learnt so much about how to further my daughter development, at her pace. The education I got here has been invaluable.

Our facilitators can always tell if I'm having a down day and go out of their way to chat to me.

My favourite moment so far has been when my daughter was sick, and one of the girls said, "Evie isn't herself today, is she?" A moment perhaps tinged with a touch of sadness as she was sick, but these girls knew my baby, and that made it worthwhile.


1 comment:

SPACE NZ said...

Hi Kelly, it can be amazingly hard to walk into a group where you don’t know anyone, let alone when you have additional things going on in your life such as being a new parent! Becoming a parent can often leave us feeling a bit vulnerable and isolated as we deal with all of the changes that come with a new baby. We hope your wee girl is doing well and are so glad that you found a safe, welcoming place in your SPACE group.